How to Earn Money on Facebook Every Day? 9+ Proven Ways

9+ Best Proven Ways: How to Make Money On Facebook

9 Best Proven Ways How to Make Money On Facebook

Facebook is one of the biggest social media platforms of the 21st century. Nowadays, everyone in the world has a Facebook account. But, will you believe me if I tell you that you can earn money from the biggest social media platform just by sitting at home and doing some easy tasks?

Though it is hard to believe, it’s true, and thousands and millions of people are earning money from Facebook doing works that they love.

In fact, “How to make money on Facebook ” is one of the most popular search terms on Google when it comes to making money online.

The best part of this is that you do not need substantial initial investments to earn money from Facebook.

For starting any other business, you must need a minimum amount of Rs. 10,000 or more, but in most ways, we will talk about needing nothing but your time and mobile and just a simple internet connection – which you already have.

Another significant part of it is that to earn money from Facebook, you don’t need to be a qualified business person or do not need any degree – as nobody on Facebook will ever ask for your qualifications.

It is the product, which will be sold, not your degree.

But before digging into the main post, let’s first discuss the little to less necessary things that you will need to Make Money.

1] Trust & Truth

Trust is not only a word. Tons and thousands of relations and bonds are connected to it in both direct and indirect ways.

Whether you are in a business or any profession or even a simple person – you must keep and maintain your trust in everybody.

Think of this, if Jess Bezos, the former CEO and founder of Amazon, delivered faulty items to everybody and broke their trust, would anybody order things from Amazon again? Obviously not.

Okay, you are not Jeff Bezos – but it is the fundamental rule – the things you will sell with the people connected to you on Facebook, make sure they are genuine and well-performing – that the buyer makes up his mind to buy the thing once again if he needs it further.

2] Make Customers Happy

Though it is connected with the first point, we are still discussing it once again. Always try to do a business where the consumers/customers are your promoters. Let me explore the strategy in more depth.

When your customers become the promoter of your products, your business spreads in the compounding formula.

It means if today one person comes to know about your products and they spread the name of your product among two people, tomorrow two people will share your product among four people.

As a result, your business will start to grow. – and this very formula is called compound formula in business.

3] Maintain Good Behavior With Clients/Customers

We all want people to behave well with us. But, to expect good behavior from other people, we also are supposed to behave genuinely with them and, as he or she is your client or customer, the more you behave well with them, the better the relationship between you and him or her will be.

4] Maintain Time

Timing is a very significant aspect of any business. 

Always try to maintain time with your clients.

We eat an interview or a product delivery – connect with the client, mainly when you have offered him.

This helps to grow trust rapidly – even when you have made a mistake and want to get back the customer’s trust in you, just deliver him his stuff at the right time.

So, these are the main things that we must keep in mind while doing any business, especially in the digital world.

Now that you have understood some fundamentals to always keep in mind while doing business, let’s come to the point.

How to Make Money on Facebook

Sell Products At Facebook Marketplace:-

What is it?

We all know Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, and stores like these for their service.

These types of online places offer the public to look into their stocks with minute details of every product and with their images.

When you have made up your mind to purchase/buy the items, you just add them to the cart and finally order them.

After the items get ordered, it reaches your place within a few days or even within a day in some cases.

Benefits of Facebook Marketplace:

But, the main problem with Amazon and Flipkart is that they don’t have any regional product stock. Unless it is an immensely popular place, it is tough to find them on this kind of platform.

And here comes the advantage of the Facebook marketplace.

How To Make Money From Facebook Marketplace

The marketplace feature of Facebook is almost the same as Amazon and Flipkart. 

Launched in early 2018, the Facebook Marketplace is a platform to sell regional products and necessary items.

The audience will see the things on Facebook, and they will order them if they like. It’s Done! It is as simple as that.

Kinds of Items To Sell In Facebook Marketplace:

You can sell plenty of items – no matter small or big things here. Some of the most popular products of Facebook Marketplace are – 

  1. Hand-made designs, fabric works.
  2. Clothes – Shirt, Trousers, Sarees, etc.
  3. Outdoor furniture items – Hanging Bed, Swing Chair.
  4. Various kinds of plants – both Flowering and Inflorescences, Seeds.
  5. Jewelry and Related Accessories.

Other (Indirect) ways To Make Money on Facebook Marketplace:

But…wait. There are lots more things to do with this mind-blowing platform.

You can also share links to shopping stores and sell the products of the store using Facebook Marketplace.

Indirectly Make Money From Facebook Marketplace:

If you don’t want to sell items directly to your friends, family members, and relatives. You can earn money just by referring to products from other popular online platforms like – Myntra Messo, etc.

What do you have to do?

You don’t need to do much more than just share the links in your Facebook marketplace profile.

If your Facebook friend like the product, they will make a purchase of the product from your link, and you can then earn money for the referral you have made.

In most cases, if your threshold reaches a certain period, you can make a withdrawal request to withdraw the earned amount to your bank account.

Make Money from Facebook video monetization:

If you are a content creator on YouTube or if you know something about how people earn money from YouTube, you probably have heard about the term monetization.

Monetization is nothing but a process in which you can earn money.

Every one of you knows that people who make videos on YouTube earn Money through running ads on their YouTube videos; on Facebook, the case is also the same.

You have to create great content so that your audience watches your videos. After fulfilling the total criteria of monetization, you have to apply for Facebook monetization.

Eligibility Criteria For Facebook Monetization

Getting Facebook monetization is a bit harder than getting a monetized tour on YouTube.

If you have a good number of friends on your friend list, the scenario will be completely different.

Below I have listed the eligibility criteria that you just need to get approved by Facebook:

  1. First of all, you will need a Facebook page, where you will publish your videos. (A simple Facebook profile will not help you in this case)
  2. You will need at least 10,000 followers on your Facebook page.
  3. Within just 60 days, you have to complete at least 30,000 video watches of 1 minute+ each.
  4. Last, of all, you need to comply with Facebook’s policy and terms.
  5. And, you have to be older than 18 years. (if you are less in age than the aforementioned number, you can use your parent’s account to create your Facebook page.
  6. After you have fulfilled the aforesaid criteria, you can get approved by Facebook to show in-stream video ads.

Facebook monetization vs. YouTube monetization

Getting monetized on Facebook is much easier than getting monetized on YouTube.

On Facebook, you already have your friend list; if you make any video and upload it to Facebook, your friends are there to watch your videos.

But in the case of YouTube, it is much harder to get views and watch time on your YouTube videos as there are not so many audiences until you have gained a large number of subscribers.

Sell Your Fanpage:

Selling your fan page is the most effective way to get a huge amount of money at a time within a very short period.

This is a popular way to make money, and many people have made Money with this trick.

But there are some pre-required things to do before you sell your fan page.

  • First of all, you have to build your audience.
  • After opening a new Facebook account or with your existing Facebook account – try to increase your friend list as much as possible. (But always remember the crashing that you should always send a friend request to them whom you already know or to the person who is connected with any of your well-known friends)
  • If you send a friend request to an unknown person, you may encounter some issues (though it is very rare), and in some cases, the person on the other end may reject your friend request – and this scenario is very common.
  • So to grow a huge fan list, where you have to be very popular on other social media platforms like YouTube / Instagram and need to do something unique that other people are not doing currently.
  • After you have grown a huge fan list on your Facebook page, you can sell your Facebook page to other people who are willing to buy.
  • The price of your Facebook page may vary according to your religion and the people who are willing to buy it. Always check about the person to whom you are willing to sell your Facebook page.

Sponsored Content:

Many of us heard the word sponsored content in many videos on YouTube. If you do not know what Sponsored content is – here is the answer:

Sponsored Content is the content of any other people and brand which gets promoted by yourself. Sponsored content may vary in its types – some of the most talked-about and promote pondered content include:

  • Mobiles, Laptops, and other electronic devices.
  • Clothes and garments.
  • Books.
  • Videos of others.
  • Website or blog posts of others.

Basically, what is done here is that – the manufacturer or the promoter of the product goes and connects to the owners of the specific Facebook page on which they want to promote.

After finalizing the deal, the Facebook page owner promotes the product through his / her blog posts/videos.

When a large number of people see the product, some of them make a purchase of it, and the manufacturer gets a commission.

Now that you have understood how product manufacturers earn Money, let us now understand how you can earn money from sponsored content if you are the owner of a popular Facebook page / a content creator.

In most cases, the deal of Money is done in 2 ways:

  1. In the first and most popular way, the manufacturer pays the promoter a certain amount of money for promoting a product.
  2. If this product can be purchased with a digital platform, the manufacturer tries to pay the Money on what sales have been performed with the particular referral link.

In the second case, the Money is given to the promoted in two ways:

Either a specific amount of money is paid for each product, or a certain percentage of Money is paid according to the revenue that the manufacturer has made.

Nowadays, as everyone is trying to grow their YouTube channels and other content like block posts and websites, it is very easy to get people who are trying to promote their product.

But always remember a few things before you sponsor other’s content:

  • Always try to sponsor content that is related to your Facebook page.
  • Check the genuineness of the product that you are promoting through your Facebook page. If you can’t find the product genuine, your Facebook page’s users will lose hope in you, and they will not buy any product hereafter.

Promote Your YouTube Videos On Facebook:

If you are a YouTuber, this point is for you. We know that it is very hard to establish yourself on  YouTube.

As thousands and millions of people are already making videos on the particular topic that is being covered by you in your videos, it becomes more difficult to rank your videos.

But, on Facebook, you can get many viewers for your videos the help of it, you can easily complete YouTube’s monetization criteria, and thus you can earn money from YouTube with the help of Facebook.

Sell Your Courses:

If you are efficient in a particular subject or topic, this idea is for you. And, if you are a teacher or a professor, you can surely take advantage of this trick.

As you teach the topic in your class, here, also you have to do that kind of course.

If you are very popular among students, you can ask them to buy this course. Whenever they buy your courses, you can earn money.

Even here, we have set some advice for you to get the best result from this business;

  • Make the course as unique as possible because no one is going to pay you for the course which you already offered at your school or at university for free.
  • Try to make these courses with a good voice and video quality.

Earn Money Online Webinars And Online Tuitions:

This is for the people with whom we talk just above. Disadvantages of the previous way of earning Money can be – students may share your courses for free among them – which will ultimately destroy your business.

 So to get out of this fear, you can arrange online seminars and live classes.

In online seminars, you will get direct contact with your students and can teach them well. Plus, this will significantly reduce the chance of selling your courses in a pirated way.

Now you may wonder why you get listed in these 2 ways to earn money here. 

Facebook gives you a larger audience base. So you can promote your business through Facebook and gain buyers/subscribers of your course from here.

Become A Moderator In A large Facebook Group:

In a very large Facebook group, it becomes next to impossible for the owners of the Facebook group to manage all comments and all queries of the users using the group. That’s why the owners of the Facebook groups hire people to moderate the comments of users India Facebook group.

The moderators’ tips all care for the group, allowing the right people to comment, solve their queries, and run the group in a managed way.

If you like this process, you can also become a moderator of a Facebook group which will give you the power to regulate the group, and it is extremely easy.

It will also give you the power to promote your content in the group – but before promoting your own content, take the group owner’s permission whether you can promote your content or not.

And before applying for these types of professions, make sure that you know the group owner very well so that you don’t have any e-payment issues after working for several days or weeks.

Earn Money By helping others to earn Money:

Yes, you read that right. You can earn money on Facebook by helping other people to earn money.

How? Let’s discuss:

In our everyday life, we see advertisements everywhere. We often see ads on TV, YouTube, and even on Facebook. But have you ever thought about who makes all these ads? No, they are not from outer space! They are people just like you and me.

Facebook ads are a great source to earn money from all around the world. Whenever you see an ad, it is made by someone. But instead, I am now telling you to make these ads rather than just watching them. To earn money by making Facebook ads, first, you need skills:

You need to learn the use of some software like -Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator; There is graphics designing software that you have to use to make your ads more attractive. Next, you need to curse Facebook ads; after that, you need to find a client for whom you will make ads, and the best thing is that you can find your client from the platform you can talk about just now – Facebook.

After that, you need to create extraordinary ad templates and use them as ads. Plus, to become an expert in this field, you also need to become an expert in SEO (search engine marketing).


In this article, we have tried to explain all the ways with which you can earn money on Facebook. But, please note that this list of earning Money from  Facebook may not be the complete list of tasks that can help you to earn.

Every day tons of new ideas are being generated, which can give you financial freedom by using Facebook.

We Have discussed all the things and the processes in minute detail so that you can understand the full processor very carefully.

If you still have doubts regarding the aforesaid processes, you can leave a comment in the comment section to know about the question.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I Earn Money From Facebook?

Yes, you can earn money from Facebook. The best news about that is that it is fully legal. This means Facebook will give payments to you.

The processes of earning Money are discussed above in this post.

How To Earn From Facebook Page?

Most of the processes of earning Money that we talked about above are for earning Money from Facebook pages. However, for your convenience –

The easiest process to earn money from your Facebook page is by running ads on your video. The requirements for getting ready for the process are discussed below.

How Many Views Do I need To Get Paid On Facebook?

  • In Facebook, you can earn money through running ads in your video.
  • The best policy that creators own to show ads on their videos is –
  • In-stream ads for on-demand.
  • In Facebook, you can earn money through running ads in your video.
  • The best policy that creators own to show ads on their videos is In-stream ads for on-demand.

Though we have discussed the requirements in the above section, let’s again clearly look at the requirements to qualify for In-stream ads for on-demand on Facebook.

How To Earn Money on Facebook By Clicking Like:

Unfortunately, there is no genuine way to Earn Money on Facebook just by clicking the like button. However, there are some illegal ways in which spammers say that you earn money by clicking a huge number of likes on unknown people’s posts.

How To Earn Money From Facebook $500 every day?

I will definitely not say that you can not earn $500 a day from Facebook. In fact, many popular people are earning money from Facebook, and this amount of money can go up to $500. But, you will really need a great fan base & a great number of followers on Facebook to earn that much amount of money from Facebook.

For a new person like you and me, it may be hard to earn this huge amount. But, keep trying so that you can reach the amount.

Do Facebook Pay You For Views?

No. Facebook does not pay you for views. Any person who is claiming that he can give you Money just for viewing any video, do not fall into the trap of him/her. Never give any type of money to those people.

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