Top 25 Easy Steps for SEO Content Optimization Like a Pro | Optimize for On-Page SEO – Part 3 | Mithvin

Top 25 Easy Steps for Search Engine Optimization Content Writing Like a Pro | Optimize for On-Page SEO – P3

On Page Search Engine Optimization Guide for Beginners

In “Phase 3 – Content Optimization”, we will know, how to do Search Engine Optimization Content Writing for the site to make it easy to find by internet users and Google bots.

In Phase 1 – Code Optimization and Tracking, we discussed “how can you optimize your website by minimizing your page load speed”. Also, we discussed to embed some important code for proper indexing the web pages and tracking the result.

In “Phase 2 – Styling of Your Website Presence”, we discussed how to optimize your formats and plugins for a proper on-page SEO”.

In “Phase 4 – Advance Activities to Further Optimize Your Website“, we discussed how to can you more optimize your website by applying miscellaneous changes inside your website.

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How to do Search Engine Optimization Content Writing to rank higher on Google SERP?

1. Research Your Keywords for Proper Content Optimization

The combination of words or a phrase searched by the user in the Google search bar to get some information is called keywords.

In On-Page Optimization and Off-Page Optimization of your website, Keyword Research is the prime task to follow. Without any targeted keywords, you can’t focus on optimizing your contents and website to rank on Google SERP.

Get in-depth knowledge about keywords in this article: Everything you need to know about Keywords & Type of Keywords.

2. Optimize Your Page Titles

A unique title followed by a targeted keyword and numbers can bring more traffic on your site rather a simple title. It is also a key part of content optimization while doing your on-page SEO.

a. SEO Blog
b. Top 25 things you need to know by On Page SEO
c. Top 22 Step by Step Process for On-Page Optimization Like a Pro

In the above example, you can see that example “b” & “c” are more clear and catchy to the reader rather example “a”.
So, make your title likewise to grab more attention by users and google bots too.

3. Customize Page URLs is a Part of Content Optimization

The purpose of creating an optimized URL is to give the idea to the search bots to index your page in a similar category of your content. An URL should not contain any unwanted symbols and numbers. An ideal URL includes the main keyword & title of your content.


In the above example, you can see that example “b” is included with the targeted keyword and also giving a clear idea about the content. Whereas, example a is not clear about the content.

4. Rename Your Image Files

When you are uploading any images to the server, make sure to rename the file using phrase related to the content. As we know, Google SEO bots can only understand the image by reading its name. And the same it displays as a result on the user’s query for the relevant terms added to your image name. This is one of the most important parts of Content Optimization.

Bad practices of renaming your image file for Search Engine Optimization

  • 1958658.jpeg
  • Wifhjtkd458.jpeg
  • Pic1.jpeg
  • Image1.jpeg
  • Img file 1.jpeg
  • SEO 001.jpeg

The best practices for renaming your image file for On Page Optimization

An ideal file name should be written as the below formats followed by hyphens (-) or underscore (_) in between two words.


5. Add Image alt-text

Alt text stands for Alternative text. You must add the alt text to your every image you upload on your website. As the google bot still can’t read image content so you need to provide the alt text. It’s an opportunity to target more relevant keywords at the time of doing content optimization.

It also useful when someone is opening your page and going through slow internet speed, they can read the text and understand what is it about. You can also add the image description to further optimize the file.

Add Image Alt text to your photos

6. Mention Keyword in Heading Tags to Optimize Your Website Contents

Yet another Content Optimization step is to use multiple heading tags inside your articles. Try to keep your articles more organised and eye-catching by adding H tags at required places.

You can use any of these tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 & H6) to make your content get read by crawlers to understand the topic of your article.

Use of Heading Tags

7. Use the combination of HTML Tags

There are multiple tags available in HTML (HyperText Mark-up Language) which are helpful to add more relevant information of your article in fewer words. The HTML tags are recommended to use when your targeting to optimize your on-page contents to increase rankings on search engine result page.

List of Top 11 the Most Essential HTML Tags for SEO

  1. <h1></h1> – To provide the title of your page or post.
  2. <h2></h2> – To add a subtitle within your content followed by the targeted keywords.
  3. <h3></h3> – The further sub-categories points can be written inside H3 tags.
  4. <h4></h4> – You can highlight some bullet points if you want to add inside your contents.
  5. <h5></h5> – You can use to add any call to actions or provide some additional information.
  6. <h6></h6> – Mostly, the H6 tags doesn’t required to use. But you can use it to add some important points, hyperlinks and call to actions.
  7. <a href=”” >your anchor text</a> – You can use this tag to hyperlink texts with URL
  8. <meta name=”og:title” property=”og:title” content=”The Title of Your Article”> – – Used to provide Open Graph tags
  9. <meta name=”twitter:card” content=”custom summary”> – Used to provide tags for publishing on twitter site
  10. <meta name=”robots” content=”index, follow”> – You can tell the crawler whether your particular page should be indexed or not
  11. <link rel=”canonical” href=””> – If you want to canonicalize any page, you can use this tag

8. Create the Short & Relevant Meta Titles

Yet another very-very important tag is Meta Title. This is the main tag you must use on every page. It helps to understand by Google bots that what the page is about. You can provide the unique title of your content within 70 characters. To optimize your contents, you must write a unique meta title including your targeted keyword for each article.

Meta Title Tag Structure: <title>Write a title targeting your keyword within 70 Characters</title>

Meta Title Optimization

9. Mention Keyword in your Meta Descriptions

While you are optimizing your website, the another most important tag which used is Meta Description. The meta description containing around 2 lines of information gives clear ideas about your content details on Google SERP. You can write a summary of your content within 160 Characters using the Meta Description Tag given below.

Meta Description Tag Structure:
<meta name=”description” content=”Write a relevant description targeting your keywords within 160 Characters”>

Meta description writing

10. Use Bullets & Numbered Lists

To highlight some points, you can use the bullets or numbered lists inside your content. If you are writing into WordPress editor, the format can be used on a click only. But still if you required to use the tags manually, you can place your points inside the below format: –

HTML Code for Unordered List

  <li>Content Optimization</li>
  <li>Technical Writing</li>
  <li>Blog Writing</li>
  <li>Website Content Writing</li>

Output of Unordered List

HTML Code for Ordered List

This code will use 1,2,3… number by default

  <li>Google Advertising Services</li>
  <li>Facebook Paid Advertising</li>
  <li>LinkedIn Advertising</li>

Output of Ordered List

  1. Google Advertising Services
  2. Facebook Paid Advertising
  3. LinkedIn Advertising

HTML Code for Ordered List with Type

You can specify your ordered lists number system using this structure

<ol type=”A”>
  <li>Freelance Writer</li>
  <li>Content Writing Agency</li>
  <li> Content Writing Company</li>

Output of Ordered List with Type “A”

  1. Freelance Writer
  2. Content Writing Agency
  3. Content Writing Company

Note: You can replace the value with any of these one: type=”1″ type=”A” type=”a” type=”I” type=”i”       

HTML Code to embed the unordered and ordered list

  <li>Content Marketing</li>
  <li>Paid Advertising
      <li>Google Adwords Campaign Setup</li>
      <li>Facebook Campaign Setup</li>
  <li>Search Engine Optimization Services</li>

Output of the unordered and ordered list

  • Content Marketing
  • Paid Advertising
    1. Google Adwords Campaign Setup
    2. Facebook Campaign Setup
  • Search Engine Optimization Services

To know more about Ul and Ol, please visit the W3School tutorials.

11. Write SEO Friendly Body Contents for On Page SEO

What all the content you put inside your page including text and images is called body content. For proper optimizing your on-page contents, it’s recommended to use Header tags, a few bullet points and the targeted keywords. The body tag starts with <BODY> and ends with </BODY>. You can use either lower case or upper case in your tags.

Structure of body tag

Your content

12. Check Grammar & Spelling Errors before Publishing Your Contents

Google SEO Algorithm likes to boost up your ranking if you have created your contents without making any errors or spelling mistakes. is the free tool to check your basic errors instantly. You can also use some other grammar error-checking tool to make your content more authentic.

Top 4 Free Grammar Checker Tool

Grammar Check

13. Check for Duplicate Contents

Google Algorithms don’t like to crawl duplicate contents. It may also affect your SEO ranking on Google SERP. So, make sure to check your content is not duplicate before publishing to your site, using a free plagiarism checker tool QueText or with other duplicate content checker tools.

14. Optimize for Maximum CTR

CTR stands for Click Through Rate. If someone is searching for a phrase on google and got your page over there, the chance is higher to get maximum CTR while your title and description is related to their search terms.

Higher CTR can be achieved by properly optimizing your meta title and meta description followed by your targeted keywords.

15. Build Strong Internal Linkings

When you create a new article and hyperlink it’s few words with your previous article’s URL is known as Internal linking. It’s recommended to use 1-2% of internal links in an article. The internal links help to google bot to crawl your pages once again to provide the updated information to the user.

Wikipedia is the best option to follow for creating quality internal links which is very helpful in Content Optimization.

16. Use High DA Sites for External Linking

When you add the relevant URL of the third-party website to provide more authentic information on your page, is called external linking. Always follow those external websites to the link which DA is more than 30 or better than yours. Using external links send the signal to Google Bots that you have added some valuable information inside your content.

17. Maintain Your Keyword Density while Writing Your Contents

The SEO experts say that 1-3 % of keyword density is an ideal number to follow when you are writing contents to optimize your website ranking on Google using on page optimization or off page optimization techniques.

The density means if you are writing a 1000 words article then you should use 10-30 times of your targeted keywords inside the same using LSI technique.

18. Target the Keyword Placements

Your SERP ranking depends upon the placements of your targeted keywords. Make sure to add the keywords, it’s synonyms and relevant terms at the following places to make your contents more optimized and SEO-friendly : –

  1. Main Title of your Page
  2. Header Tags
  3. Slug
  4. Meta Title
  5. Meta Description
  6. Image Alt Tag
  7. Within the first paragraph of your content
  8. SEO Tags and a few others.

19. Use LSI Techniques

LSI stands for Latent Semantic Index. LSI technique used to add the synonyms and related words to your article.

Keywords: SEO Guide
LSI: SEO Guide for Beginners, Search Engine Optimization Guide, SEO Tips to follow, On Page Optimization Guide, Off Page Optimization Process, Learn SEO, and so on…

The best way to find LSI keywords for your niche

Either you can see your competitor’s content or can search the targeted keywords on google search engine and then scroll down to see the related terms given on the bottom of the page.

How to use LSI?

20. Use Video Contents

70% of the people love to watch the tutorial or videos rather reading the boring content to get some information. Don’t miss out this opportunity to target those lazy readers. If you have created your YouTube channel or other video tutorial profile, link them with your articles to create it more informative.

21. Respect the Creativity of Creators

Whenever you use someone else images or contents, don’t forget to give them credit as a source. It will show your honesty and make user will believe in the authenticity of your content.

22. Create Simple & Readable Contents

You never know, who will land to your site for getting some information. The person might be an expert in some field or might be a student who has just completed their schooling. The visitor may be a layman or familiar with the terms you have defined inside your website.

The means is, you need to keep your writing simple, informative and easy to understand. Your one-time visitor can be turned into a recurring visitor if they understand your contents provided that you have done you best for Search Engine Optimization Content Writing.

23. Create A Two-Way Conversational Contents

Reading is such a boring task if it’s don’t relate to your emotion and situation, isn’t it? The better example of a two-way conversation is to analyse the reader’s problem, ask some questions in between and try to provide the solution for the same.

24. Optimize for Voice Search

Nowadays, voice search is a new technique to use Google and also, it’s being used frequently for getting an answer without typing a letter. It’s an opportunity for you to get more traffic by optimizing your content to meet the requirements of voice searches.

25. Use Keywords with Modifiers

Modifiers create your language more creative and make it more engaging for the user. The use of modifiers can also increase your page CTR (Click Through Rate) and make a long-tail keyword to optimize your pages bit faster. Congratulations! if you are already using it otherwise you can start using it in your next content to grab more attention.

Example of Keywords Modifier in SEO

1. SEO Tips
    Top 25 SEO Tips (Modifier: Top 25)

2. SEO Guide
    The best SEO Guide (Modifier: The best)

3. Content Writing Services
    Affordable Content Writing Services (Modifier: Affordable)

4. Off Page Optimization
In depth Off Page Optimization guide (Modifier: In depth)

Where to Use Modifiers while doing Content Optimization for On Page SEO?

The very first place is the title of your content. You can write your title as the below format to grab maximum attention of the readers:

For Content Optimization, other than Main Title of the page, you can also use modifiers throughout your content such as meta tags, image alt tag, subheadings and body parts.

Top 33 most used modifier words to use while doing On Page optimization

At first
Best deals
Best range
How to
The Best

How to find modifiers for your keywords in On Page SEO?

While you are optimizing your website contents for higher ranking on Google SERP, the keywords or words modifiers play a vital role to boost up your rankings. The best idea to get modifiers for your selected keyword in google. You need to type the main keyword in the Google search bar. It will suggest the modifiers in bold letters. You can use a few of these inside your content.

How to use Keyword Modifiers?

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