Best Social Media Optimization Strategy - SMO Tips | Mithvin

20 Best Social Media Optimization Strategy – SMO Tips for Beginners & Experts

20 Best Social Media Optimization Strategy, SMO Tips for Beginners & Experts

Starting a new business? Finding out what is the best way to promote your business? Thinking of learning Social media optimization Strategy?

If yes then here with DIY Tech tricks, you are going to learn everything related to how to do social media marketing for dummies or beginners.

Why Do You Need A Working Social Media Optimization Strategy?

As a business person, your focus would always be to get the maximum awareness for your brand and generate revenue from your business. Gone are the days when businesses were only depending on the traditional way of promoting the business. With the boom created by Digital Marketing, it has become easy to tap the maximum audience in the market and generate interest in them.

Social Media Optimization or SMO is a vital part of Digital Marketing and it plays an important role in generating leads for businesses. Social media optimization also helps to let your brand stand out from the crowd and let you gain more subscribers as well as followers for your brand.

Social Media Optimization plays an important role in gaining the maximum followers, growing the influence of the brand, and making your content go viral in a short period. It helps to focus on the targeted customers based on demographics. 

SMM (Social Media Marketing) is not only about running campaigns with relevant content on social media platforms but is also about serving the right content at the right time to the users. This technique is known as the social media optimization strategy

Here, we will be talking about a few of the tips related to social media optimisation strategy that helps to gain maximum exposure to your business. This is a beginner guide but also helps intermediate and expert SMO professionals.

Top 20 Social Media Optimization Tricks

1] Do Your Keyword Research

Keyword research is an important step towards making a social media strategy. It is known as one of the most important parts of the social media optimization process. Keywords are known as the topics or phrases that your target customers are looking for. Keyword research helps you to create relevant promotion ideas as well as topics for the social media optimisation process. 

According to experts, it is important to invest a good amount of time into researching the keywords or the relevant hashtags for your social media optimization process. Nowadays there are various tools available that you can use to research the hashtags and the keywords. Some of these tools are free while for some you would need to pay the subscription charges.

2] Optimize The Profile

Your profile tells a lot about your brand or a company. Hence it is important to focus on improving the same. The optimization process is not only limited to the websites but applies to your social media profiles as well. 

The profile of your company is always considered as the foundation. If the profile is not strong enough to grab your visitor’s attention, then it is time to work on it. 

The first thing that you would need to work on is your profile photo. Make sure to choose the right photograph as your profile pic. It is always advised to keep your logo as the profile picture in case of a brand or a business page. 

For username, it is recommended to use the company name along with the service that you provide. This helps people to find you easily on the platform. There are various tools available such as Knowem through which you can check the username availability at various social media platforms. Putting your keyword or hashtag into the bio or profile also works wonders in the process of social media optimization.

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3] Analyze The Right Schedule To Post The Content

Posting on social media platforms does not only ask you to post the content every day but it is important to post it at the right time. According to experts, you should always post when your audience is active on social media. 

Here you can take the help of various tools to analyze the best time to post on social media to get higher engagement. It is recommended to post around 3 to 7 posts on Instagram & Facebook, 5 to 10 posts on Pinterest, 2 to 4 times on LinkedIn, and 5 to 7 times on Twitter. This strategy is known to work all the time.

4] Optimize Your Content

Optimizing your content is another important step towards the Social Media Optimization Strategy. Social media works on content and hence it is important to share the relevant content on your profile.

There are two types of content to choose from. You can either choose to post the original or the curated content. But according to experts, it is best to post the combination of both to get the desired results. With original content, you focus on creating the content according to the requirement of your campaign while the curated content is sourced through various websites.

5] Focus On The Engagement Level

Engagement is the key for SMO Strategy in 2021 especially in the case of the Instagram platform. If you go through any Instagram Tips & Tricks shared by the experts then you will find this common factor everywhere. 

It is important to share your thoughts with people who are interested in a similar product or service that you are offering. According to the expert, Instagram pushes the accounts to the explorer section those who have got higher engagement level. Seeing in the explorer section will get you more visitors on the page and hence can result in an increased number of followers.

6] Create The Quality Content

It is not worth it if you create hundreds of posts that are not meeting the expectations of your audience or not providing any kind of value to them. Quality always works over quantity. Make sure to create relevant content for your pages. It is always recommended to write for your readers and not according to your interest. 

Images are an important part of social media optimization Strategy. So, make sure to post high-quality content and images or other graphics. User-generated content is always considered the best one since your customer creates it. Always use a good call to action in any type of content that you post on your social media pages to encourage your audience to take the action on your post. This would help to increase the engagement level as well.

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7] Tag The Relevant Accounts To Start Conversions

Another best way to increase the engagement level of your social media pages is to tag the relevant accounts or people in your post but make sure not to overdo it. 

The tagging facility is available on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Here you would need to create quality content for which people would show interest. Choosing the right people to tag can certainly help you to spread the word about your brand in a short span. Asking another account for shoutouts can also help to get immediate attention from the other set of audiences.

8] Use The Right Hashtags

Instagram is a booming platform and hence the majority of the brands are focusing on getting the maximum exposure on it. Hashtags play an important role to increase the engagement level on Instagram. 

It is always recommended to use popular hashtags according to the relevancy of your post. Hashtags will help users to find your account on the platform like the bots do in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you ever refer to the social media optimization tips then you will always find this advice of using the right hashtags for your posts.

9] Create The Buzz-Generating The Viral Content

Using the trending content along with the catchy headlines would always help you to create buzz about your brand. Make sure to experiment with various titles and headlines to grab the attention of your audience. 

Here you can create the relevant hashtags according to the news snippets that you create related to the brand. Make sure to keep the original style while creating the content. Using the content marketing technique helps to provide value to your customers. Make sure to create a mix of educational, how-to, and entertainment content according to your brand.

10] Add The Social Media Plugins To Your Website

If you have ever a thought of how to do social media marketing then you can certainly consider this strategy. Adding social media plugins to your WordPress website will help your customers to share the posts on various platforms right from the articles. Here, you can also track the insights related to the total number of shares and likes on various platforms.

11] Follow the Social Media Influencers

Getting help from Social Media Influencers will make your brand visible to a large audience, depending on their follower count. Here, you can follow the activities of any of the well-known influencers in your industry. Generally, influencers hold huge followers, and hence, you will be able to spread awareness to a large audience by analyzing their activities. 

According to the experts, getting associated with influencers helps brands the increased followers up to 90%. So, try connecting with the influencers who have got a good number of followers and who post the content relevant to your industry.

12] Create Giveaways And Contests

Contests and Giveaways are trending on Instagram & other social media platforms as well. This strategy works extremely well to let people test your products in return for sharing it on their profiles and tag their friends in them.

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This social media optimisation Strategy helps increase the interest and credibility of the audience. By offering products or services either for free or at a discounted price, you will be able to attract a lot of followers and convert them. You can create the offer with a deadline, which would create urgency with the users.

13] Use The External Links

Social Media and SEO are interconnected. Hence, you will always find the inclusion of one aspect in the other process. You can certainly boost the visits on your website or any of your landing pages by adding links to your social media profiles.

For Instagram, you can add the link in the bio section. You can also promote the link through Instagram stories if you have more than 10000 followers. With Facebook, you can add an external link in the post itself. You can also add external links to LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and other platforms.

14] Create The Custom Content For Each Platform

The content created for Instagram may not work for Twitter and LinkedIn. Hence it is important to create unique content for each platform. If you refer to the Twitter Optimization Tips & Tricks or any kind of social media optimization tricks then you would find this advice helpful all the time. 

Instagram is all about posting Images and Videos, while LinkedIn is about creating text content. Make sure to plan the right strategy to create custom content for your targeted social media platforms.

15] Synchronize Your Brand Colors

Most of us might have not focused on the color synchronization earlier but using the brand colors or the same color theme in all the platforms increases the rate of user retention. Use the same color theme in all of your posts is one of the best social media optimization Strategies

For Instagram, you can create a grid to improve the overall look of your page and fetch maximum visitors. This trick has also been mentioned in Social Media Optimization for Dummies Book by Ric Shreves.

16] Get The Advantage Of Social Media Analytics

Social Media is all about posting the right content and analyzing its performance to work on the future strategy. Analytics is as important in social media optimization (SMO) as in SEO. Analytics would help you to track all of your social media optimization activities on all the platforms.

You can do this through Google Analytics using UTM codes. This code refers to short URLs that help marketers to link the traffic obtained by social media platforms to the specific media network.

17] Use The Feature Of Live Events

Live feature has shown tremendous results for Facebook as well as for Instagram Platforms. With live events, you will be able to interact with the relevant audience about your service or products. This feature would help to break the barriers between your brand and the audience. You would be able to initiate a real conversation in real-time. This would be a face-to-face interaction and hence people would be able to trust more on your brand and find it genuine.

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18] Provide Cohesive Visual Experience

Social Media is changing and hence the content. Nowadays, brands are focusing more to create shopping-related content to increase sales. You can also adopt SMO Strategy to provide a smooth and cohesive experience to your audience. 

A well-designed aesthetical post would certainly help to gain the maximum users on your page and gain the maximum number of actions. This simple tip is always suggested for brands who are looking for an SMM strategy for beginners.

19] Identify Your Business Objectives

If you want to get the maximum out of social media for your business then it is important to identify your business objectives. The objective could be in terms of awareness, engagement, or conversions. Using social media for business would ask you to plan things as per your business goals.

20] Understand Your Audience And Choose The Platform Accordingly

Your ideal customer could hang out on various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. You would need to understand the demographics such as their age group, profession, and their interest level to decide on the platform they will be using.

It is okay to build a presence on all the platforms, but focusing on one that can get you maximum results is always beneficial.

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Final Thoughts

To get more attention and consistent followers through online platforms, the above given top social media optimization Strategy would be very helpful to you.

These social media optimization Tricks are easy to use for Dummies as well as intermediate social media professionals. If you will incorporate these activities and the SMO Strategy, then, believe me, you can start getting consistent popularity through social media platforms.

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